Live / News

April 9, 2011:
See Conference #6, Lutherkriche, Wiesbaden, Germany
December 3 - 5, 2010:
Festival Nauke, SKC, Belgrade, Serbia
November 5 - 7, 2010:
VJ-Festival, E-Werk, Erlangen, Germany
September 2 – 7, 2010:
Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
May 29, 2010:
Chop Suey Club, Karlstorbahnhof, Heidelberg, Germany
May 3 – 5, 2010:
mediale*, Centralstation, Darmstadt, Germany


We 7nts Lukas Meyer, Andreas Doms, Max Doepfmer, Florian Werndl, Thomas Thome, Sergej Mut, Michel Gotta

We are a team of seven Media System Designers and one magic eightball, motivated by the joy of blending our technology and conceptual skills with our audiovisual senses.
Our education at the Faculty of Media Arts and Science has provided us with solid skills in designing appealing user experiences and combining different technologies to create something completely new.
If you’re interested in what else we did, have a look at colibrii – a wiimote project, which has been inspired by lightpaintings.


Do you want to keep updated on Orbitone and at the same time spread the word?
Join Orbitone on Facebook.
Do you host an event and would like to use Orbitone for it?
We’re open and interested, so feel free to and we’ll get in contact with you.

Of course there have been a few people around us doing some essential work in advance, providing us with technology, support, motivation and inspiration.
Our team is valuing the following:
FB Media / h_da – supporting the whole project
vvvv / MESO – providing a fancy toolkit with inexhaustible possibilities
Reactivision – providing the free tracking software
mediale* – our kickoff event
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